Strategic management is the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis, and assessment of the resources and processes that an organization needs to have in place to meet its goals and objectives. This process involves creating and adapting strategies to ensure the organization stays competitive and achieves its long-term objectives.
This course is designed for those aspiring to achieve at the strategic management level
The following concepts will be discussed
· Introduction to the Concept of Strategic Management
· Competence in Aligning Performance with Organizational Goals
· Developing Core Skills in Creating Policies and Procedures
· Ability to Manage Organizational Change
· Acquire the Necessary Skills in Conducting Performance Appraisal
· Understand Performance and Productivity Improvement Strategies and Techniques
· Special Topics in Strategic Management
Course Info
Starts 20 January
Evening Time from 6:00- 8:30
Attendance for Female & Male
60 Training Hours
Course Instructor: Dr Jannat Al Abbasi
Course Eligibility
Very good command of English Language
attendants must be all at a strategic or a near strategic level of management
Experience + No less than Bachelor Holders in a relatable field